Christmas time has always been Mario and I's favorite holiday! Growing up Christmas was always very celebrated and was some of my most fondest memories as a child. Since Mario and I have been together we have alwasy spoiled each other way too much but still continuously do it over the years. We hope that this is the last year that we will be doing this; hopefully we will have little boogers to by for next year! Growing up the true meaning of Christmas was never really emphasized but as I got older I understood what it really was about. Mario and I try to keep that in perspective and celebrate the most wonderful life of them all. Without him we would've never been able to come out of struggle still smiling!! We want our children to know and love him as we do.
December to me is spending time with family and friends, Christmas music which I love, fireplaces, warm holiday drinks, games, sparkly lights and shiny bows, laughter, peace, making buckeyes one of our family traditions, and holding those I love close to me. I can't wait to share these awesome things with a family. This year we gave ourselves a budget which was actually a blessing because normally we are so stressed and in debt after the holidays but this year we won't be. It really isn't about that anyways and it is a shame that we have made it like that. So tomorrow we are going to Mario's parents' house on xmas Eve and I know it won't be the happiest, but just all of us being together will be enough. It won't be the same without Juan and Monique but that is why we have to pull together and remember we are still family no matter how small.
So cheers to a blessed Christmas and a healthy year ahead!
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