Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Human Pin Cushion

It is hump day and I have the day off work. We went to our usual appoint. bright and early this morning and had an ultrasound. It is amazing how a couple of days can really make a difference!! My ovaries have lots and lots of follicles and they grew quite significantly from just two days. My left has more than my right but they both have a good amount. My lining is already 10mm and just the other day it was 7. Dr. Werlin told me that everything is going really well. Then I had my bloodwork to check my hormones. A couple of hours passed and Dr. Werlin already called me and said that my hormones are rising faster than suspected. The part that worries me is that he wants me to stay on the max dosage tonight and then go in in the morning. One of the only side effects from IVF is called Hyperstimulation that is rare. It is where your ovaries stimulate too fast and raise concern that your body will react in a negative way. Worse case scenario is that they cancel and get you back on track and start over. Dr. Werlin is the best and knows what he is doing and I am sure would not put me at risk I just get scared. I wasn't supposed to go back into his office until friday now it will be everyday. My ovaries are very uncomfortable today and as the day progresses I feel it more and more. My arms are so sore from bloodwork and I was happy that they would have a day to rest and now I have to go in the morning for more. I am not complaining it really isn't that bad I just am sore and bruised and hope that all goes well. I am lying around today and relaxing. I am so happy that my body is doing what it should and my lining is perfect for my embryos to implant in. So all is well for now :)

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