November was here before we knew it and it seemed time was passing by quickly. We have an annual Thanksgiving feast with our friends and we decided it was the perfect time to announce the sex of the baby! Everyone was excited and it was so special to be able to share it with somme of the most special people in our lives! Mario bought Stella beer and as we went around the table saying what we were thankful for it came to Mario's turn. He said how he was thankful for his baby girl Stella and passed the beer around so everyone could cheer together. The hoidays were great I loved eating and the food tasted so good :) and I was no longer feeling sick. I started to show and was feeling more comfortable about the pregnancy and safety of it.

Our annual Moreno Christmas Party came and we did the theme "White Christmas" this year and it turned out great! All the babies that were born the past year were dressed adorable and I can't wait to see Stella with them and how their friendships evolve like all their parents. We are truly blessed to have our friends in our life. They have alwasy supported us through everything we have been through and we feel so lucky to be able to raise our kids at the same time! We celebrated Christmas very differently this year. We had spent a huge amount of money on In Vitro and decided not to buy gifts for each other. We were so happy to be getting the best gift ever that it no longer seemed important.

By this time talk of the shower began and I have always dreamt of how my baby shower would be. I had planned, given, and attended so many baby showers over the years that I felt like it was finally my turn and it would be perfect. And that it was. Finding the place was quite stressful. I remember going to a restaurant called Stella's with Mario and my parents to check it out. We knew her name was already Stella so we thought how perfect it would be to have my shower there! We were driving over there and all of a sudden I start to feel her move for the first time! I screamed beacuse it was startling. It felt like somebody painting inside me. I was around 21 weeks and it was amazing. Needless to say Granpa booked it the next day :)
New Year's Eve was here and we went to The Tapanes Family Party. It was a lot of fun and Stella loved all the latin music playing. I swear she was doing the salsa in my belly all night! I just know she is going to be a great dancer like her Daddy!

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